
RPP Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Bahasa Inggris

RPP Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka kelas 9


Meeting 3

Berikut ini adalah contoh RPP Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Bahasa Inggris ataupun modul ajar kurikulum merdeka bahasa inggris untuk kelas 9 dalam pembelajaran projek bagi siswa. Terdapat 3 meeting untuk pembahasan materi tersebut dalam bentuk 3 pertemuan. Topik pada rpp kurikulum merdeka bahasa inggris ini adalah mengenai present perfect tense dan juga sudah memenuhi pembelajaran berdiferensiasi bagi siswa.
RPP Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Bahasa Inggris

School             : SMP Santo yosef

Subject             : English

Grade/Semester   : IX/ I

Theme/Topic      : We have been to an orphan home

Time Allocation    : 3 Meeting Hours (3 X 40’)


Core Competencies

KI-1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI-2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin , tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan ddn keberadaannya

KI-3 Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan.(factual, konseptual dan procedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

KI-4 Mengolah, menyaji , dan menalar dalam ranah konkret ( menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak ( menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


Basic Competencies

3.6 menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present perfect tense)

4.6 menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks


Students will be able to:

Identify (C3) imperative expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation based on the text's structure and linguistic components 

Identify (C3) social functions, text structures and linguistic elements related to expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense)

Analyze (C4) the communicative purpose of the text of the expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense)

Create (P5) expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense)

Compose (P6) a dialogue text that contains expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense)


Through learning activities with a scientific approach, with the PjBL model(C), students (A) can determine (B) social functions, text structures, linguistic elements and communicative purposes of the expressions situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense) and skilled in compiling and using the expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense) in the context of their use properly and correctly (D).


1. Main Materials

- Present perfect tense is employed in a sentence to represent an action that just happened in the recent past and still has its effect in the present or an action that represents an indefinite time in the past.

- Example:

I have eaten, I have finished my work.

Social Function

- Telling the experience

I have ever gone to Jogja for several days ( saya pernah pergi ke Jogja untuk beberapa hari)

How many times have you got A score in English? (berapa kali kamu dapat nilai A dalam bahasa Inggris?)

- Talking about a change

Your grammar has improved since you studied hard ( tata bahasamu telah berkembang sejak kamu belajar rajin)

I have not got anything yet since I joined the business (saya belum mendapatkan apapun sejak saya bergabung dengan bisnis tersebut)

- Telling a results/achievement

Budi has already finished his study at Gadjah Mada University ( Budi sudah menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Universitas Gadjah Mada)

Azzam and Ghaisa have just won the Math competition (Azzam dan Ghaisa baru saja memenangkan kompetisi Matematika)

- Telling unfinished activities or events

Yuni has still not come to our discussion ( Yuni belum juga hadir di diskusi kita)

They have not finished the test yet (mereka belum menyelasaikan testnya sekarang)

- Telling several activities that occur in different periods of time

I have never got prizes three times in a year ( Saya belum pernah mendapatkan hadiah tiga kali dalam satu tahun)

Text Structure

-  (+) S + have/has + V3

Santi has just studied Math (Santi baru saja belajar matematika)

-  (-) S + have/has + not+ V3

Santi has not studied Math yet (Santi belum belajar matematika)

-  (?)  Have/has + S + V3?

Has Yudi eaten meatball? (apakah Yudi sudah makan bakso?)

2. Enrichment Learning Material

Enrichment materials are given to students who have reached the KKM, it is Identify and analyze the

social function and linguistic elements related to expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense)

3. Remedial Learning

Material Remedial materials are given to students who have not reached the KKM yet; it is creating a short and simple conversation related to expressions of situations/actions/activities/events that have been carried out/happened in the past related with the present situation (present perfect tense)

E. Learning Methods

Approach : Lecturing, Question -Answer, Discussion, TPACK Learning 

Model : PjBL (Project Based Learning)

F. Learning Media

The medias : PPT, Video, LKPD, Picture

The tools :Laptop & LCD projector, whiteboard

G. Learning Resources

Grade IV student's books

Youtube or Tik Tok Videos

Other relevant resources

H. Steps of Learning

Silahkan dilihat RPP meeting 1 dan 2 disini : Meeting 1, Meeting 2 Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka terbaru.

1.      Third Meeting (2 x 40 minutes)


Pre activities

Time Allocations

1.      The teacher opens the class with greetings, asks about their condition and checks the attendance of students.


2.      The class is continued with a prayer led by one of the students. (Religious/PPK)

3.      Students listen to the teacher's perceptions about the last material to be studied (Apperception)

4.      The teacher conveys related learning objectives and assessment techniques to be implemented

5.      The teacher provides an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons that will be learned in everyday(Motivation)







Learning model syntax

Main Activities

Time Allocations


Phase 5 Test the results

6.      Students report project results making a video according to the design together with the group

(Collaborative)(Collecting information)

7.      The teacher evaluates student’s project results of making a video

8.      Students answer the questions given by the teacher

9.      The teacher gives suggestions for making improvements for student’s project










Phase 6 Reflection/evaluating

10.  Students are asked to share their experiences while finishing the project

11.  At the end of the lesson, the teacher and students reflect on the activities during designing and making the project

12.  Teacher and students develop discussions to improve the work

during the learning process, so that in the end a new inquiry is found to answer the questions based on the first stage of learning

  13. Students do the assessment about present perfect tense




Post Activity

13.  The teacher reflects on the learning activities that have been implemented

14.  The teacher delivers lessons for the next meeting

15.  The teacher ends the lesson with praying and greeting


Demikian meeting terakhir RPP Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Bahasa Inggris. Lihat juga Meeting 1, Meeting 2
Demikian contoh RPP Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi atupun modul ajar kurikulum merdeka bahasa inggris. Semoga bisa bermanfaat dan bisa dikembangkan sendiri sesuai dengan tempat dan sekolah dimana anda mengajar. Terima kasih!


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